Charlie Mylie

Picture Book Author & Illustrator


From portraits done using a brush on a five foot pole, to museum concept art, and picture book creation, Charlie Mylie’s work takes many forms. For years he embodied the promise on a cardboard sign - “Yes it’s true! Pop Up Charlie can draw anything for you!” - and honed his playful style by painting thousands of on-the-spot watercolors for people across the country. It was on a 2017, 38 state tour of illustrative endurance, that Charlie sowed the seeds of his debut book, Something For You (released in fall of 2019 by FSG). Charlie lives in Kansas City and worked extensively for The Rabbit hOle, the worlds most amazing immersive museum dedicated to picture books - where he created visual conceptions for interactive exhibits, including a 100 year history panorama. He lives with wife, Sondy, and son, Misha, in a house where almost every item is labeled in Serbo-Croatian, which he is learning slowly.

Read about Charlie’s adventures in books and life here:

Charlie is represented by Hannah Mann of Writer's House. You can find him on Instagram when its not disabled @charliemylie